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Services we provided at GEOS Physio Rehab//

Begins with our preliminary assessment and immediate treatment plan, patients will be able to recover from illness and also able to prevent injuries. Our therapist also help to maintain their health and improves the quality of their life with continues follow up and re-assessment. Here GEOS Physio Rehab provides many treatments such as:-


What is Dry Needling?


Dry Needling is a western form of "Acupuncture" and this treatment has been described using many names. Dry Needling is the most current term. Acupuncture is based on traditional Chinese medicine and Acupuncture needling treatment occurs along the meridian system. Modern Dry Needling is based on western neuroanatomy and modern scientific study of the musculoskeletal and nervous system. Volumes of research have been written on the subject of Dry Needling by several physicians (Janet Travell, MD, David Simons, MD, Peter Baldry, MD, and Karel Lewit, MD).


What diffrent between Acupunture and Dry Needling?


Dry Needling is performed by Western Medical Practitioners using Acupuncture-type needles to treat the musculoskeletal and nervous systems based on modern neuroanatomy science. Acupuncture falls within the scope of traditional Chinese medicine. It would be incorrect to refer to a practitioner of Dry Needling as an "Acupuncturist" since Dry Needling practitioners do not use traditional meridians (meridians are based on a 2000 year old dogma).


What diffrentHow Dry Needling Improves function and reduce pain?


  • Dry Needling of muscular trigger points causes relaxation through disruption of the motor endplate.

  • Tiny injuries created by the needle insertion cause a local healing response in the dysfunctional, painful tissue, which restores normal function through the natural healing process.

  • Dry Needling stimulates neural pathways which blocks pain by disrupting pain messages being sent to the central nervous system. The pain control process occurs by:

    • Opioid suppression at the spinal cord level.

    • The Gate Theory of pain.

    • Activating neurotransmitters in the central nervous system, which contribute to a systemic pain inhibiting effect, and this neurotransmitter response extends the therapeutic benefit to other areas of the body.

    • Dry Needling causes a local chemically mediated response through the release of Bradykinin, Substance P, and other body proteins and neurotransmitters, which block the transmission of pain messages.


Dry Needling, combined with physiotherapy treatment, has been shown to help the following conditions:


  • Acute and chronic tendonitis

  • Athletic and sports-related overuse injuries

  • Post-surgical pain

  • Post-traumatic injuries, motor vehicle accidents, and work related injuries

  • Chronic pain conditions

  • Headaches and whiplash

  • Lower back pain






Manual Technique //


Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation is a modern, non invasive, drug free, pain management modality, commonly used for short term acute pain or long term chronic pain.


Interferential Therapy (Electrotherapy amplitude modulated medium frequency alternating currents-AMF), combines two effects 4KHz for analgesic effects and stimulation of circulation and 2KHz for muscle strengthening.


Ultrasound is high frequency sound waves, greater than 20,000 Hz. Therapeutic ultrasound is in the frequency range of 1 - 3 MHz for break up scar tissue and adhesions, reduce inflammation, facilitate healing, and reduce nerve root irritation.



Mechanical spinal traction is the use of mechanical devices that exert a pulling force through cables, halters and straps while the patient is comfortably positioned. As traction tables interact with the mechanical forces, soft tissue remodeling occurs, assisting in the healing process and relieve the numbness.


Joint mobalization

 joint mobilization techniques when the articular structures limit the motion of joints; producing arthrokinematic (sliding, distraction, pivoting) movements that need to occur with normal motion.  


Soft Tissue Manipulation

“hands-on” techniques can be used, either alone or in combination, to decrease pain, increase circulation, decrease muscle spasm, increase muscle flexibility, and improve overall mobility. 

Manual Traction

Manual traction is delivered either directly from hand contact on the body or using belt to do traction with our body weight. The purpose of manual traction is to provide a very specific and controlled distraction force to the spine or joint in order to alleviate pain or compression.  It can help with the “pinch” of a disc prolapsed or the compression that occurs in an arthritic knee. Using manual traction during our evaluation can tell us a lot about the origin of your pain.


Passive stretching 




Mulligan Technique

Electrotherapy //
Dry Needling //
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